Toontown offline v2
Toontown offline v2

toontown offline v2

8.1 The Mints have been made much easier!.7.2 No longer will you receive nothing when you go sad! Consolation rewards will be given out!.6.1.9 Super Salesman (for sake of simplicity, although tier 9s go up to level 100, i will show you attacks and damage up to level 20).6.1.7 The Mingler (tier 7 and 8 have THREE extra levels, meaning they now go to 14 and 15 instead of 11 and 12 respectively).6.1.5 Mover and Shaker (here is where things get a little more interesting, tier 5 and 6 go an extra TWO levels).6.1.4 Glad Hander (note that tier 4s also gain an extra level).6.1.3 Name Dropper (note that tier 3s gain an extra level).6.1 First, we'll show you the SELLBOTS.6 BUFFED ATTACKS / NEW PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS.

toontown offline v2

4.12 Cog Facility Levels (now match the task line, the hardest facility is progressive in difficulty, so you won't have to collect suit parts from these, but if you do, you'll get any missing one).4.11 Building Boss Levels (all have 50-50 chance of being regular or executive).4.10 Drowsy Dreamland (building stories range from 5 to 7).4.9 Scientific Spaceland (Playground area looks like a space station) (five to seven story buildings).4.8 The Brrrgh (three to seven story buildings).4.7 Funny Farms (three to six story buildings).4.6 Mezzo Melodyland (two to six story buildings).4.5 Goldtrophy Speedway (two to five story buildings).4.4 Daffodil Gardens (two to five story buildings).4.3 Acorn Acres (one to four story buildings).4.2 Barnacle Boatyard (one to four story buildings).4.1 Toontown Central (one to three story buildings).3.9.1 Day After Labor Day (Annual Operation Break Bossbot that week).3.8.1 Third Week of August (MedievalFest).3.7.1 July 4 (Independence Day, annual Operation Lower Lawbot that week).3.5.2 Second Sunday of May (Mother's Day).3.3.3 Easter (could also happen in April).3.1.2 Third Monday of January (MLK Jr.2 TWO New Cog Types (TECHBOTS AND BOARDBOTS), and RANK NINE COGS.1 Toon Species (OVER 30 SPECIES TO CHOOSE, instead of 9).

Toontown offline v2